How To Impress During Your Interview

Having job interviews is part of working life. Doing well is the best way to get your desired job. You need to be able to do certain things to make the best impact whether it is online or in person. Because the job market is so tough, here are ten tips to help you do well in this year’s interview.

Here are 9 tips on How To Impress During Your Interview:

Ask Questions

When you go to an interview you should always ask questions. This shows that you are interested in the job and the company. Interviews usually discuss holiday hours expected pay and working hours so don’t bring these up in your questions.

Talk to them about things you couldn’t find online instead. Check a Salary is an easy to use UK salary tool that you can use to find out more about the job pay before you apply. You can find the average UK wage for your job title and where you work on its website. You can also look for pay by business type.

Non Verbal Communication Is Essential.

What you say and how you say it are only small parts of the interview process. Just as important is how we act when we’re not talking. To do this we must make eye contact and sit with our shoulders back and heads high. This will make us look more sure of ourselves even if we’re not. During the interview pay attention to your stance and body language. If you seem too relaxed it could be a bad sign.

Read more: How To Impress In Your First Job Interview: 6 Personality Tips For Success

Dress The Part

Many people form an opinion about you in just a few seconds which means that what you wear is very important in what people think of you. An interviewer is less likely to take you seriously even if you have great answers. If you show up in dirty or worn out shoes or clothes they will not take you as seriously. You must look suitable for any job even a virtual one so dress like you would for a real one

Make Sure To Listen

Listening is one of the most important things you can do in an interview. An employer might give you the information you will need later or a clue about how to answer if you need to provide them with the information they want. You might miss a great chance to get more points if you don’t listen to this. In a business setting conversation is also vital so being able to hear well will help you.

Be Honest But Professional

You shouldn’t feel bad if you say you’re nervous at an interview. There may be different opinions about this online but it depends on how you say it. When we go to job interviews our bodies react by making us nervous because it is a new place for us. 

People interviewing you want you to be as calm as possible so they can get a good sense of who you are. They can help by giving you time to answer or drinking water if you let them know. 

Don’t Talk Too Much

Sometimes we share too much when our worries get the best. This is how mistakes are made and when people are stressed they blurt out something that doesn’t need to be shared. People often kick themselves at this point because they go on too long and say things that aren’t relevant to the conversation. Rereading the job description can help you focus your answers and give a short answer instead of going on and on.

Watch Your Attitude

There is a thin line between being cocky and being sure of yourself in an interview. Even though you want to seem sure of yourself in an interview you might only make a good impact if you do it a little. Don’t act like you know everything when you go into an interview. Instead try to be humble. It doesn’t matter how shy you are, being too quiet could also cost you the job. There is a middle ground as long as you stay professional, polite and most importantly yourself.

Learn How To Answer Interview Questions

You must be ready for interview questions if you want to do well. Study the most common interview questions beforehand to be prepared with general replies. The worst thing that can happen in an interview is being caught off guard which will cause you to give wrong answers that don’t fit the plan.

The STAR method should be used to answer most interview questions setting job action and result. This is the best way to ensure that companies understand why and how you did what you did and how your skills were used in real life. It’s OK to say you did a good job but you will only get far once you back it up with more evidence.

Have Everything Ready Beforehand

For some interviews you may need proof of who you are or your right to work in the UK. Also having your CV resume with you to look it over before you go in is a good idea. It is helpful to remember what you wrote on your CV in case they ask you about a job you had.

Make sure everything is ready for a video interview before the time of the interview. It was coming a few minutes early only to find that your microphone won’t connect or that you need to update Microsoft Teams or Zoom is the worst thing. Tech can be helpful but it only sometimes works with us especially when we need it the most.


When many people apply for the same job, making a good impression throughout your interview can help you stand out. These ten tips can improve your chances of success asking good questions, learning how to communicate without words, dressing correctly, constantly listening and thoroughly planning. Keep your confidence in check with humility and be honest and professional. Have fun


1. What Should I Do If I Feel Nervous During The Interview?

It’s okay to say you’re scared. The vast majority of interviewers know and value honesty. Be professional and do things like deep breathing to calm down.

2. Why Is Non Verbal Communication Essential In An Interview?

Body language like eye contact and stance shows confidence and skill. It makes a good impact and shows that you are interested and paying attention.

3. How Should I Dress For A Virtual Interview?

Put on the same clothes you would for a real job. Dress professionally in clothes that fit the job and the business and ensure you look neat and organized.