The Dos And Don’ts Of Interviewing: Best Practices For Conducting Ethical Interviews

Ethically conducting interviews is vital to a fair and effective hiring process. It’s really important to follow the Dos and Don’ts of Interviewing. It means being honest, polite and professional during talks and ensuring everyone is treated fairly and their rights are respected. If employers follow best practices and avoid common mistakes, they can make the interview process positive and friendly for candidates. This will help them hire better people and make the company more diverse.

The Dos Of Interviewing

Prepare Thoroughly

It is essential to prepare for an interview to do a good one entirely. As part of this planning you should learn about the applicant background and the job they want. You can ensure the individual is a good fit by asking about their skills, abilities and experiences. Along with being well prepared you should also know precisely what the job calls for.

That way you can ask the right questions and see if the individual meets the needs. You must prepare well for an interview so the individual sees that you value their time and are serious about the process. Preparing for an interview is essential so that the process is fair, transparent and effective. It boosts the mood of the interview and helps the conversation become more exciting and profound.

Create A Comfortable Environment

Ensuring the interview area is cozy is essential for making the candidate feel at ease and letting them talk flow freely. This means making the candidate feel welcome and ensuring the interview area is professionally relaxed and calm. Setting the heat and lights to a certain level can help a room feel calm.

A cozy place can help the candidate relax allowing them to do better in the interview. It can also help the candidate have a good time at your company and improve their experience. Getting the interview room closer can help things go more quickly and easily.

Be Respectful And Professional

To have a moral interview you need to be friendly and professional. This means using the right words and tone throughout and always paying attention to what the candidate is saying.

Treating each other respectfully and professionally can help you and the candidate have a good time together. It also shows that you are skilled and can help you get along with the candidate. To have a valuable and moral conversation you must be friendly and professional the whole time.

Read more: Top 10 Essential Skills To Showcase On Your Resume

Ask Open Ended And Behavioral Questions

Questions with no right or wrong answers and about behavior are great ways to discover a candidate skills and abilities. People are more likely to give detailed answers to open ended questions that help you learn more about their skills and experiences. When you ask people to describe how they handled certain situations in the past you can learn a lot about how they deal with problems, make choices and talk to others.

Use the STAR method to ask behavioral questions about a Situation Task Action and Result. This will help you plan the interview and get better answers from people. You can get specific examples from candidates’ past jobs in this way which enables you to figure out how well they’ll be able to handle cases like these in the future.

The Don’ts Of Interviewing

Don’t Discriminate

There shouldn’t be any bias during the questions. If you don’t want to be seen as biased don’t ask about disability age, gender race, religion , marital status or faith. The best thing to do would be to ask the individual about their job related skills and experience.

If you don’t ask biased questions you can be sure that your hiring choices are based on ability and that all candidates are treated fairly. This helps make the workplace more open and different. It also ensures that you follow the rules and do the right thing.

Don’t Be Overly Aggressive Or Intimidating

Professionalism and politeness should be shown to those being asked. Being rude or pushy can worry job candidates and make them do worse in the interview.

It is essential to stay open, listen to what others say and not talk over or interrupt them. Making the interview room happy and polite can help candidates feel more at ease and sure of themselves leading to a more productive and successful interview process.

Don’t Rush Through The Interview

If you rush through the interview you might miss opportunities to determine whether the candidate is skilled and a good fit for the job. It is essential to give enough time for each question and answer to give the candidate many chances to give good answers.

If you don’t let people talk the interview may not run well and you may not fully understand their skills and experience. By giving them a full interview you can show that you value them and what they could bring to the company. It also gives you the data you need to hire the right person.

Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep

It is essential to be open and honest about the job and what the company wants from you during the interview. Don’t say things you won’t or can’t do. If you do that the person might have high hopes which could make them unhappy if they get the job.

Ensure the person knows the job, how the company works and what problems they might face. Being honest and open with job applicants will allow you to gain their trust which is essential for getting the best choices. Telling the truth about how difficult the job is is better than lying.


Being honest during interviews is essential to building a diverse, friendly and successful staff. By following the tips in this article you can ensure that your interview goes well, is fair and is friendly. Being ready, putting the speaker at ease, being polite and professional, asking relevant questions and not being biased, rushing or making false claims are all ethical ways to ask questions. 


How Can I Prepare Effectively For An Interview?

To ensure the interview process is complete and fair, look into the candidate’s past know what the job requires and come up with relevant questions.

What Should I Do To Make The Interview Environment Comfortable?

Make the room comfortable by making it well lit and calm and greet the candidates with a smile to make them feel at ease.

Why Is It Important To Ask Open Ended And Behavioral Questions?

These questions provide more information about a candidate’s skills and experiences which helps you determine how they would act in real life.

What Are Some Common Biases To Avoid During An Interview?

Don’t ask or make assumptions about age, gender , race , disability , religion or marriage status to ensure the review is fair and based only on skills and experience.

Why Should I Avoid Making Promises During The Interview?

If you make promises you can’t keep, people may have high standards and be unhappy if you get the job. Being truthful about the job and the company ensures everyone knows what to expect and builds trust.